Monday, 19 August 2019

Shoujo Kageki Revue Starlight ReLive Main Story Series 8 - Part 5: The Chancellor's Sapphire

This story continues from Part 4: The Knight's Pearl

Part 5A

"I lied," the Chancellor laments. "Though I never lied on that day at the Valley of the Heavens, today I had to lie to my Lord. My Lord who I considered an old friend." Many years after that promise at that valley, and many days spent with the Monarch, the Chancellor finds himself in a small boat on a voyage to the ice fields. He feels the passion, the mercy, and the hope that the Monarch now possesses. But to get all that hinged on a lie that he made. The lie that will become undone in due time, once the Chancellor finds the Sapphire that he has hidden in the ice fields.

The timeline moves all the way to 8 years ago.

Michiru and Akira play at the fields. They are locked in an intense battle to see who is faster to the goal. When they finish, Michiru (who Akira calls "Micchi") calls out that she is first, but Akira (who Michiru calls "Akki") manages to close it down to a tie.

They later sit at the nearby swingset, where Michiru comments that the grand pas de chat that Akira did was very beautiful, and Akira replies that Michiru's (jeté) entrelacé was beautiful as well, and that was because they ran together. Akira expresses her enthusiasm for the continuing lessons, new ballet moves like the grande fête, and piano lessons, to which Michiru expresses enthusiasm for her singing lessons. So much to learn, so little time. And yet, if they don't learn quickly, they wouldn't be able to enter Siegfeld Institute of Music. Michiru then asks if Akira remembered the time when they watched Elysion together, which Akira never forgot. An epic, mysterious tale, but at some times tragic. It would almost make you cry with how beautiful it is. Michiru was especially impressed by how the entire school came together to do this one production. Since this year's production was "Era of the Monarchs", the next year's would be "Era of Rebirth", which Michiru promises that they will watch together. Akira then promises that she will stand on the stage, just as she watched Siegfeld's students stand on stage. Michiru then makes a solemn expression. Akira, concerned, asks Michiru what was going on. Michiru replies that she feels a bit afraid that since Siegfeld is a famous school after all, everyone from all over Japan would want to go there, and so even if Michiru works hard she may still not enter Siegfeld. Michiru assures Akira that she is already working hard, but it is still a bit scary trying to compete with everyone else. Akira then tells Michiru that she, too, is working hard herself because she wants to stand on the stage of Elysion with Michiru, so Michiru has to enter Siegfeld with her. Michiru is reassured by that, and Akira doesn't even want to entertain the possibility of Michiru not entering Siegfeld with her [ooooh that Main Character energy there].

Akira jumps off the swingset, to Michiru's surprise...

Part 5B

...and climbs to the top of the jungle gym, to Michiru's alarm. That's when Akira makes her declaration:

"It's over Michiru! I have the high ground!"
"I will enter Siegfeld Institute of Music, and stand on the 'King of Stages' --Elysion-- as 'Frau Platin'! Not 'want to', but 'will'!"

Akira then continues her entrance scene, no longer as a hopeful, but as Frau Platin:

煌めき絶えぬは 真白の白金プラチナ
永遠とわに継がるは 王者の舞台
「フラウ・プラティーン」 雪代晶! 
神なき舞台に 王者の光を!』

"Though the fires of destiny burn fleetingly
The platinum's pure white shines unceasingly
Though the stage of men lasts momentarily
The stage of kings will continue successively
--Frau Platin-- Yukishiro Akira!
The light of the king, for the mortal stage!"

Michiru, surprised, asks what Akira is doing. Akira expresses that this is her declaration, that she will enter Siegfeld, and asks Michiru what she is going to do. Michiru laughs and says that Akira is not just the Stage Idiot, but also the Siegfeld Idiot (this is new to Akira) for being so confident that she will enter Siegfeld that she already thought of her entrance scene as Frau Platin, but with that, Michiru knows what to do. First, starting with calling Akira properly, and asking Akira to call her properly as Michiru. Next, supporting Akira so that she will stand on the Stage of Kings as the headliner for Elysion. Even if Michiru won't be able to stand on the Stage with Akira, she will support Akira in her pursuit for Position Zero. Akira expresses surprise that Michiru would be satisfied even if she won't be able to stand with Akira in the end, but Michiru assures her that even if this happens, Akira will be the Monarch to everyone in Siegfeld. Michiru will put in all her effort so that Akira would be the Monarch; that is the stage which Michiru has chosen to be.

Michiru then makes her own declaration:

『煌めくゆえに 陰りを知らず
無垢なるゆえに 痛みを知らず
なれば照らさん 蒼き灯火
玉座の白金 王者の舞台を
「フラウ・ザフィーア」 凰ミチル

"For radiance knows not of darkness
For purity knows not of distress
The blue sparks illuminate the way
To the throne of platinum; to the Stage of Kings
--Frau Saphir-- Ootori Michiru
My destiny -- to serve alongside the King!"

Michiru then reiterates that if Akira was to become a King, then she would have to address Michiru properly. Akira asks again if Michiru is really fine with not being the main role of Elysion. If Akira can become the King, then Michiru is fine with it.

"It was at this moment that I lied. Even if... I didn't regret doing it. It wasn't as if I didn't want Position Zero as Frau Platin. But as I saw Akira climb up and call herself 'Frau Platin', I knew that more than just being the headliner for Elysion, I wanted to make Akira shine. Because of this, I lied. I knew, this is the stage we wanted to be connected by," Michiru reminisces.

Akira, after hearing Michiru, promises Michiru that she will become the Monarch of Siegfeld, and Michiru makes her promise at that. From her coronation, to her death, she will keep supporting Akira.

With the sapphire recovered, it was as if the Monarch saw that day in the Valley of the Heavens once again. He remembers the promise he made to the Chancellor. For the Chancellor to throw away his aspirations and serve the Monarch instead is selfless indeed.

The platinum crown, inlaid with the jewels of ruby, jade, pearl and sapphire, signifying the Monarch's throne, the General's passion, the Marquis's mercy, the Knight's hope, and the Chancellor's wisdom, is now complete. As the Monarch wears the crown, he tells the Chancellor that even if he can return to the capital, he has no de facto power, and yet he feels nothing but gratitude to the people who have handed him the crown jewels. His final task would be to return to the capital and pass the Crown to the Knight, for he will be the successor to the throne. Once it is all over, they will retire to the Valley of the Heavens.

That is the point where the Chancellor drops all pretense and delivers the mother of all bombshells. To ensure that the Monarch still has the motivation to recover the crown jewels, the Chancellor had to lie. When pressed about it, the Chancellor replies that on the day the revolt started, the Monarch was stabbed by the Knight's sword and died where he stood.

He was dead all along. Betrayed by the one person he anointed to be his successor.


Continue on to Part 6: Epilogue.

Deleted scenes
Disclaimer: these series are not actually official, but rather from the mind of Moonstone. 

Chancellor: ...I'm sorry my Lord, I'm afraid this cannot happen...

Dying King: ...What?

Chancellor: My Lord... the truth is... I lied. I did so to keep your hopes up so that we could reclaim the crown jewels...

Dying King: What's there to lie about? My friend, what were you planning behind my back?

Chancellor: I'm afraid to say... my Lord, but on the day the revolt started...

Chancellor: You were stabbed in the heart by the Knight's sword... you died back then.

Dying King:

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